Search People Using Reverse Lookup

Commence searching for the address of a phone number today and discover the advantages of our reverse phone directory. You'll be able to find the city, state and carrier of your reverse phone inquiry, whether it be a cell, landline or unlisted phone lookup, by simply inserting the appropriate area code in the search box.

Example: 201-555-5555:

New Jersey Phone Lookup

Chances are you have heard the term of reverse phone lookup and maybe even tried it a little bit online from one of your favorite phone directory websites around the Internet. If you have, most likely you found some good results, added with a number of results that said it may be unlisted or a cellular phone (with nothing else other than maybe banners and advertisements for those that might give you with additional help). With Reverse Phone Scan directory, you can easily find what you are looking for within seconds and for very little fees. Use our reverse phone lookup website today and find out who's been calling you!

Area Code 201 Info

Area Code: 201-
State: New Jersey (NJ)
Cities: Bayonne, Belleville, Caldwell, Cambridge, Cliffside Park, Closter, Dumont, Elizabeth, Englewood, Fair Lawn, Fort Lee, Freehold, Hackensack, Harrison, Hasbrouck Heights, Hillsdale, Jersey City, Kearny, Leonia, Little Ferry, Minneapolis, Morristown, New Brunswick, New York, Newark, Newton, North Bergen, Oakland, Oradell, Orange, Park Ridge, Parsippany, Passaic, Piscataway, Pittsburgh, Ramsey, Red Bank, Ridgewood, River Edge, Rochelle Park, Rutherford, Secaucus, Succasunna, Teaneck, Teterboro, Union City, Vernon, Wayne, Weehawken, Westwood, Wyckoff

Available Exchanges Numbers in Area Code 201